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 journaling question

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
amygreen Posted - 07/14/2011 : 22:06:18
In Dr. Selfridge's book on fibromyalgia as TMS, she says you absolutely cannot journal about your symptoms -- that to do so gives them power. Here's my question: if we are supposed to explore things that make us angry, sad, afraid etc, the main problem in my life causing those emotions right now are my symptoms that have made me quite disabled. So I'm journaling about other current angers, historical stuff, personality stuff etc -- but to not be able to write about symptoms omits really significant angers, fears and frustrations for me. What do y'all suggest?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
art Posted - 07/15/2011 : 11:41:09
Especially one of my dogs Alexis. Up at 5:00 for their morning walk. Back in an hour for breakfast (nothing but the best of course), followed by a good half an hour or so of play in the back yard.

And so it goes through out the day. I think we've the only dogs in the whole world who sleep less than their people.

"You're dogs," I tell them. "Haven't you read the manual? You're supposed to sleep 16 hours a day Take a nap for God sakes. Sleep!"

Little buggers. Quite the life :>)

alexis Posted - 07/15/2011 : 07:16:33
Originally posted by art

I envy my dogs in this regard. How nice to be as free as they are from all this existential angst. oN the other hand, we wouldn't have poetry, or art, or even a sense of romance I don't think if it weren't for our awareness of death.

When I met my neighbor in the street yesterday she told me she wanted to be reborn a dog - funny how that's one of the fantasies of the modern era. :)
art Posted - 07/15/2011 : 07:03:14
It's a random, utterly blind process that has no more idea of what it's doing than the wind. That we've developed large brains and self-awareness is not without costs, TMS being one of them.

We're the only creatures who have to deal with our own mortality, something which depending on how you look at it is itself both a blessing and a curse.

I envy my dogs in this regard. How nice to be as free as they are from all this existential angst. oN the other hand, we wouldn't have poetry, or art, or even a sense of romance I don't think if it weren't for our awareness of death.

It at one and the same time lends life it's painful meaning and renders it utterly absurd...
alexis Posted - 07/15/2011 : 06:46:22
Originally posted by Javizy

What's wrong with evolution?

Evolution is pretty random. A lot of times people talk as though we "evolved to...", like there was a goal in the process. And I'm not talking about religious folk, but normal, educated secular people in multiple countries I've lived in who act as though we are designed "by evolution" for a particular environment.

People talk as though there was some perfect balance at some point and we should eat raw veggies or meat or exercise X amount or whatever they're arguing for because that's what we "evolved for".

But evolution isn't goal oriented, it's opportunistic. We didn't "evolve to" do anything. We at best "survived only when" and only out of a limited number of genetic mutations. So we aren't, and never were, the creatures "best suited" to our environment. We were just the most suitable mutants from an limited range of mutations.

And it leaves us with a very primitive and fundementally imperfect brain trying to function in a complex world. And that sucks. At least that's how I feel when the evlutionary lag and imperfection leaves me stressed or in pain. NOT how I would design a being if I had the options. Anyway, just a useful thing to curse if you're trying to get out some anger.
Javizy Posted - 07/15/2011 : 06:35:39
What's wrong with evolution?
alexis Posted - 07/15/2011 : 06:28:07
I didn't journal much either, but when I did and was angry about my symptoms, I mostly journaled about my anger at my brain rather than the specific symptoms. I find saying "damn stupid brain that caused my symptoms" is different and more reinforcing of the theory.

I also wrote about anger towards the far less than ideal evolutionary process ("stupid $(#*%^@ evolution" was a common curse), and even invented a god to specifically direct anger at - more humanly natural to have someone to blame. :) Actually I pulled an ancient god out of mythology since I'm not that creative. I may also have journalled about the specifics sometimes though - I don't remember for sure; I probably wouldn't have taken the suggestion not too all that seriously.

I only actually journalled for a short while - I think it helped a bit but wasn't really my style so would have been just another stress if I forced it. I did quietly curse both evolution and my made-up god for a good while though.
art Posted - 07/15/2011 : 06:04:16
I'm not a big fan of journaling. Most of us are so inner directed anyway. All we do is think about ourselves, teasing apart every nuance of every emotion. I'm sure it helps for many, but for me it's enough to understand that my symptoms, whatever they might be on any given day, are related to stress of one kind or another. This understanding, when deep and sincere, almost always leads to substantial improvement.

I just don't see the need to get ourselves all worked up over how to journal, and what not to do when journaling, and the purpose of journaling, and on and on.

This question of yours, while a good one intellectually, is a good example of how the whole process can be a giant pain..

JUst my opinion of course. Many I'm certain will disagree

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