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Wavy Soul

779 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2008 :  01:28:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is a success story and is also an encouragement to keep the whole thing light and humorous.

I was just reading a post in the RSI thread and there was a link to Success Stories and I excitedly turned to a post by... ME some time ago, talking about my fibro and particularly my back problem.

That particular VERY SERIOUS back problem is something that no one could ever help me with from my teens to my thirties. Chiropractors at first helped but as time went on made it worse. Osteopaths - nada. Etc. etc. It crippled me vis a vis things I liked like yoga.

Then I met a doctor in Holland who knew how to physically fix it. Amazingly, he was my close neighbor here in the US. We have become friends, and for maybe 15 years he has treated me when I get the spasms. When I got into Sarno he was absolutely all for it and happy not to see me in that context, but there for me if I needed it. Post- Sarno it went down from a flurry of sessions once a month to a couple in a year.

Anyway, recently after doing some very intense boxing (yes, BOXING! - I'm a skinny little thing) with my personal trainer at Golds Gym, the pain came back. This time I didn't want to call him because of something that had come up between us. The pain was keeping me up at night and I was needing painkillers but I was stubbornly keeping going with boxing etc. I nearly called the doc, but felt too pissed off to talk to him. I told the pain it wasn't going to get an adjustment and it wasn't going to progress into a chronic condition again.

So after a few more tries, it suddenly disappeared, overnight. My shoulder pain got a little worse. Ha ha! This is hysterical. I mean, we could make a hierarchy of illnesses: Please, no serious sh*t, brain. How about a little acne in an invisible place...? (just kidding, brain).

I mean, don't you think it's funny when it gets cornered and moves around. I was just trying to get my kitty out of my bedroom and she was sneaking under the bed, behind the door... Then I said, grrr, I AM ALPHA CAT, get out, and she ran out.

This is in response to the question about yelling at or loving your inner child. Sometimes it is very bratty and needs an alpha parent with authority and to create boundaries. The inner child isn't all sweetness and unicorns. Can be what makes you sick.

So I have a very strong sense from all this moving around of symptoms that it is like a sneaky gremlin, and the more I laugh at it, the less it will control me, and if it doesn't control me, the game is over.

Oh yes, and the very day after the back pain morphed into other lighter symptoms, I spoke to the doc friend and we cleared it and are good friends again.

This stuff is not serious! I know - believe me I know after 30 years of near-disablement - that it can SEEM serious. But refusing to take the physical stuff seriously even when it seems to be getting worse for a while to convince you (why wouldn't it, it's a brat!), really, really works over time. Stay unserious and you will outlast it in the stand-off.

The whole sensation of having a material body is a myth, in terms of physics. So all so-called "illnesses" are just a variation on that myth, and it seems to me that I can choose a lighter, less dense, more free place to circulate my attention.


Love is the answer, whatever the question
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