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 TMS Update continued - Dr. Sarno told us to change
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Posted - 04/01/2010 :  08:40:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Everyone,

Continued from last week. You have the power to create health, reverse this pain syndrome and you have the discipline to stay with it and see it through. Your power to create begins when you receive your instructions.

A. Change the way you think.
B. Change the way you deal with people.
C. Change the way you deal with yourself.

My hope is that you can understand, accept and begin to implement a very profound truth. Change is Power

Dr. Sarno told us more than 30 years ago to Think Psychological. That was a change in our way of thinking, attitudes and belief about physical pain! Now let's take that to the next level. This is not just a subconscious, repressed emotions, mind body syndrome that is going to magically disappear when you read about it. It is not! This mind body syndrome is more about how you are being right now than it is about what you experienced 10, 20 or 30 years ago!

Our work is to take this power of change and run it through the whole of our life. What does that mean?

It means that if you are predominantly a self-conscious, people pleasing, striving, controlling worrier, and this is how you generate loads of inner tension, you must begin to change these behavior and thought patterns to new ones that are more open, flexible, balanced and allowing.

It means if you are closed-off and holding most of your emotional stuff inside that you must begin to open up and experience your life situations while not holding this stuff inside.

It means if you are still thinking that a physical specialist or treatment is going to fix you and end your pain, you must begin to change that belief or you will forever be trapped by the distraction strategy of this disorder.

You know the difference between being open and being closed-off. You know when you are being tight and rigid versus being a little more flexible. You know when you are putting loads of pressure on yourself. This is your work. Use your awareness to identify your patterns so that you can begin to make new choices that can change the quality of energy you are transmitting to your nervous system.

What is stopping or holding us back from implementing these changes? Fear. Fear has you paralyzed. It is the fear of change, the fear of being humiliated, the fear that someone will not approve of you and the fear that you will fail. What do we do? We must face these fears. How do we do that? We have to be willing to go into the unknown. We have to experience our life situations without our old chronic mental and behavior repression patterns interfering. This is our unknown. Are you willing to do these requirements to become pain-free? The difference between reversing this pain syndrome and being stuck in pain is discipline and the willingness to do what is needed to change.

Use your discipline to go inside yourselves and find, discover what you really, really want. You can’t just say “I want to feel good or I want to be healthy”. What are the ingredients of you being healthy? What are you going to be doing when you feel really, really awesome. What kind of phenomenal thoughts will you have? What kind of attitudes will you exude? What kind of personal changes are you going to have to make to experience this type of healing? Forgiveness, honest and open journaling, decision to stop holding stuff in, choice to be more present/mindful more often, sincere acceptance that just reading a book and not changing anything is not working for you, understanding that this is not a deeply repressed emotions syndrome but instead a, how am I generating and repressing emotional tension in everyday life mind body syndrome.

Now put this into words. I want you to language this. These are going to become your mantras when you are thinking psychologically and thinking clean. These words begin to put energy into motion. This is the opposite of being stuck. You are keeping things moving. You have decided what you want (health) and now you have communicated this (mantra). Now is your transformational opportunity. Pay attention here because this is where you will sabotage yourself. This is where your excuses or old chronic (repression) patterns will pop up and keep you from experiencing this powerful changing event. "I do know what is going on here, this is a mind body symptom I am experiencing, thank you for helping me to be aware, I appreciate that pain signal, I don't need you anymore though, I am no longer distracted, now get out of my body" and "Here I am in my perfecting/pleasing/putting pressure on myself pattern, what is going on with me right now, do I want to stay in this pattern generating all this extra tension or do I want to be a little more open, how can I be here in this situation and be more flexible in my thoughts/behavior, I am going to bring the best of me and I am going to do it without the worry and self-consciousness". This is mindful, present moment language to yourself that will reinforce your belief, keep the distraction strategy useless and guide you in your work of changing and redirecting your mental and emotional energy.

Are you with me here? When you make the decision to really start thinking psychologically or when you make the conscious choice to identify your 3 biggest inner tension generating traits or when you decide to start journaling in earnest or begin a power yoga class, instantaneously your saboteur or the excuse part of you will arise. This is your big, huge moment. This is where your ability to be present and aware along with your willingness to change and the discipline to persist will pay off for you. If there is a part of you that wants to read another book, learn a little more, wait till I feel a little better, run this by someone else first to get their opinion, etc., etc., before you begin? Please recognize that this is your way of sabotaging yourself! Ignore that old voice, face that fear and keep moving!

Let’s take this down to ground level. You know that you really want to change the way you deal with your emotions. You know that you hold stuff inside. You have made the decision to change and now you hear that familiar voice, “it’s not that big of a deal, don’t say anything, you can handle it, it will just make things worse if you tell them how you feel”. Now is when you summon your power to create and you deliberately change from your old chronic patterns. You stay right where you are but you shut off the old voice and you face the fear of opening yourself up, “I want you to know how what you just said makes me feel, I feel…” and there you go. You just opened up, allowed yourself to express your feelings and you communicated this openness (energy) to your nervous system instead of communicating restriction (tension) by holding it in. This is the power of change in action. You can substitute: worry, people pleasing, controlling, striving, being self-conscious or having an angry outburst in the example above. Challenge your old, conditioned patterns by not engaging in them. This is the unknown for you. Go into the unknown and experience it.

Our power to create health is in our ability to change while we are experiencing the threads of our daily life. This is a daily living discipline that is your choice to always keep energy in motion.

Trust your intuitive self a little more. Be open to change. Allow yourself to experience being more open, flexible, aligned and balanced in your thoughts, behaviors and attitudes and you will begin to experience the exact same effects in your body.

Your power to create health and reverse this mind body syndrome is in your ability to change!

Stay the course,

Monte Hueftle
TMS Mind Body Coach


22 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2010 :  14:24:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Great post Monte! I am a newbie here and have been lurking a little while. I was told I had FMS and CFS about six years ago and as I progressed through my experience with doctors I just new there was something more to it. Oddly enough I refused all this years to take any medication, and of course spent thousands with "natural" doctors. But when all the tests come back that you are perfectly healthy and you feel like you were run over by a truck, I knew there was a bigger picture out there.

In January of this year I stumbled upon Dr. Sarno's theory and that to me was the bigger picture. Anyway, just wanted to thank you for posting this. I know personally that it resonates with me, since I struggle with holding my emotions in all the time and a lot has to do with fear of being disliked, and of course pleasing people. Keep it up...people like me need this.
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United Kingdom
128 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2010 :  18:35:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A. Change the way you think.
B. Change the way you deal with people.
C. Change the way you deal with yourself.

This mind body syndrome is more about how you are being right now than it is about what you experienced 10, 20 or 30 years ago!

I agree x1000 %

Forgive Everyone And Remember
For Everything A Reason"
Ian Brown
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